Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why at all?

I am a Chartered Accountant by profession and hail from a family of CA's.  I should have typically, going by the past joined my father in his practice.  He has been at it for more than 40 years and is the senior partner in a mid sized firm  headquartered and based out of South India.

Destiny had  other plans for me.  I by accident joined the corporate world  and have been moving from Company 1 to another in search of what I call the perfect job.  The topic of how i joined by first job makes for a separate post in itself!.  Just as much one can spend an eternity in searching for the 'purpose of life', the eternal truth etc, I realized that one can spend an equal measure of time if not more thinking, ruminating and or trying to land that perfect job.

Having said that, I decided to sit back and identify those things which i enjoyed doing the most.  Logic being, If I were to put that into a job,  I should be able to stop working, as I would be enjoying what i did!.  Sachin loves cricket.  As long as he lives and loves the game, he stops working when he goes onto the field.  Call him a pro, but I don't think he is  working.   From what little I could follow of Cho Ramaswamy's rendetion of Bharatiyar's Bhagavat Geeta, I think if you love what you are doing, it  is no longer work.

to be contd....